Monday, April 14, 2014

Review: Jinn

68. Jinn
This film is, at best, what one would expect from a not very good SyFy television movie. Apparently it finished filming way back in 2010. I don't understand how it got a theatrical release after all that time.

It's obviously a project the writer/director was passionate about, as he is credited in several other departments as well. I'm sure he's familiar with the film's mythology, but he isn't able to explain that mythology to the audience in an effective manner. I was able to get the gist of what was going on, but it was all too complicated to fully understand everything.

Just about everything about the film is second rate. The screenplay seems to be written from a template, awkwardly introducing new characters and clumsily meandering from moments of clunky exposition to lackluster action sequences. I wouldn't have been impressed with it even if it had merely aired on television, but releasing the film theatrically further highlighted its vast shortcomings.

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