Wednesday, April 2, 2014

March Goals Wrap-Up

I had more trouble with my goals for March than in either January or February. I was perhaps a bit too ambitious, but I've also been going to rehearsals almost every Monday through Thursday. When combined with frequent trips to the movie theater, this didn't always leave me with tons of time to devote to my goals.

1. Watch at least 10 different movies in the theatre. I almost doubled this goal, making it to 19 different films in March.

2. Complete a first draft of a screenplay. I made it about 30 pages into my screenplay this month. While I was mostly happy with what I've written, there are a few things I have issues with and some fundamental changes I need to implement. As a result, I think it's better to rework those 30 pages before moving on.

3. Clean my room. I did some cleaning, but did not complete the job yet. I was able to clear a path to my bed so I don't have to pole vault into it anymore. This goal is still a work in progress.

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