Sunday, January 12, 2014

Goals for 2014

My sister, Beth, has been after me for a long time to start a blog about movies. She has also encouraged me to make lists of "goals" for myself, saying that she has found doing so very helpful. I have finally decided to take her advice on both counts. I will use this blog to list my goals and to give updates on my progress.

On the evening of December 31, I made a list of four goals for 2014. They are:

1. Go to the gym at least 200 days during the year. This one should not be difficult. I have managed to force myself to go to the gym every day since June 29 of last year. If I keep going at that rate (I probably won't), 200 days should be easily reached. While not an official part of this goal, I'm also hoping to get my eating under control a little more, to see even better results.

2. Watch at least 100 different movies in the theater. My parents got me a 12 month Movie Pass subscription for Christmas. It allows me to see one movie per day in theaters (technically, each movie has to start at least 24 hours after the previous one, so skipping an occasional day is necessary). I have been using it a lot. You can only use it to see each movie once, but since I just got it, everything in the theaters is an option. I will be using it a little less frequently once I've caught up on everything and am only watching the new releases each week.

3. Complete first drafts of two screenwriting projects. I took a Stage & Screenwriting class a couple years ago and came out of it with the first draft of a screenplay that I was actually pretty happy with (which is saying something, as I tend to be quite self-critical). I have done a few new drafts of that screenplay, but have not finished writing anything wholly new since. I've recognized that taking the class was a good thing for me, as it forced me to take the ideas in my head and actually get around to writing. Hopefully making this a goal and holding myself accountable to my sister (who I know will call me on it if I slack off) will also force me to get my ideas onto paper.

4. Visit Beth and David in Florida. I'd also like to go down to Florida and visit Beth and her husband, David. I have not yet gotten to see their apartment, and have heard from my parents about all the cool things they've done while visiting.

That's my list of goals for 2014. A modest list, but I figured it was best to start small. I'll also be doing monthly goals, some of which will be stepping stones toward my larger goals, and others which will be goals of their own.

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