Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Goals for January

As I said near the end of my first post, I'll also be making a list of goals for each month of the year. Here are my goals for January:

1. Lose weight. I mentioned that I've been very good about going to the gym every day, but not so good when it comes to eating healthy. I'm hoping to change that this month, especially after the eating binge I seem to go on every year around the holidays. I actually haven't gotten on a scale since I started going to the gym consistently, so this goal will be measured more by intuition. I'm hoping to feel healthier and slimmer.

2. Watch at least 10 different movies in the theatre. This goal, a stepping stone towards seeing 100 movies during the year, I have already accomplished, thanks to my Movie Pass. I knew it was a conservative goal when I made it. I guess the only thing to do now is double it. My new goal is to see at least 20 different movies in the theatre this month.

3. "Index Card" a screenplay. This means that, before the end of the month, I want to have finished everything leading up to the actual writing of a screenplay. This will culminate in writing a series of index cards, one for each scene. Each card will summarize the action that takes place during the scene. These cards are then placed on a board, where I can look at the structure of my screenplay before I write it. The cards can easily be shifted around to see how ordering scenes differently could work. This may come in handy for me, as the screenplay I'm going to write involves a few flashback sequences that could be placed at different points in the movie.

The Index Card Board for my last screenplay
And there you have it: my goals for January. Now to start/continue accomplishing them! In my next post, I'll start updating you on the movies I've seen so far.

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