Monday, February 3, 2014

Goals for February

Here are the goals I've set for myself for February:

1. Watch at least 10 different movies in the theatre. This goal returns from January, where I exceeded it by quite a bit. It should still be a fairly easy goal to attain, but there's no way I'll be racking up the same numbers I did last month. One reason is that in January, every movie was an option. The Movie Pass only lets you see each movie once. Since I had never used it before January, I was able to see anything that was in theatres. Now, I've pretty much seen everything, so I'll just be using it to see the new releases of each week. Still a lot of movies, but not quite as many. Also, I'm performing in the musical "Once Upon a Mattress" with the Annapolis Chorale on the 14th and 15th of this month. We started rehearsals a few days ago, and will be rehearsing almost every day until the performances, so my schedule won't be quite as open to fitting in movie times.

2. Go to the gym every day. I'm making this goal to ensure that I stay on track. I've been going to the gym every day for a long time now, and wanted to ensure that I will keep it up even with the busy schedule I'll have during the first half of the month. Making it a goal seemed like a good way to make sure of that.

3. Read two books. Two summers ago I went on a reading binge, making my way through more than 10,000 pages in 3 months. I'm not going to do that again anytime soon (I was reading to the exclusion of almost everything else), but I haven't read anything in a while, so I figured this would be a good goal to make. I've been meaning to read "Dr. Sleep", the Stephen King book that came out last year, and this should be a good opportunity.

4. Do more screenplay prep work. Last, month I reached my goal for this, but I'm still, not 100% happy with what I have. My goal here is to just do a little more thinking/refining of my ideas so that I'll be ready to start actually writing in March.

In my next post, I'll be back to talking about the movies I've seen. This time I'll be discussing "Nebraska" and "12 Years a Slave".

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