Saturday, February 1, 2014

January Goals Wrap-Up

Now that January is over, it's time to look at how I did with my goals for the first month.

1. Lose weight. I probably broke even on this, more or less. My jeans might feel a little looser, but I certainly didn't lose a whole lot of weight. I'll put it down as a marginal success for now.

2. Watch at least 10 different movies in the theatre. This goal, upgraded to 20 partway through the month, I blew out of the water. I ended up seeing 30 different movies in the theatre this month. I also saw a few movies a second time, making my total number of trips to the theatre 34. This is certainly the goal that I've had the most fun fulfilling.

3. "Index Card" a screenplay. I'm not entirely happy with what I've ended up with (it's a good start, but still needs some work), but I did complete this goal, and wound up with a rough blueprint of a screenplay.

In my next post, I'll talk about my goals for February.

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