Friday, September 19, 2014

September 19 Weekly Preview

This will be another big week at the movies, with six new releases. That won't leave any time for foreign films this week, especially as I'm starting rehearsals for a new show on Monday.

A Walk Among the Tombstones- I actually caught a Thursday night screening of this, so I can't "predict" my reaction. The review should be along in a few days.

The Maze Runner- Yet another Young Adult novel adapted for the big screen with franchise aspirations. I've heard some iffy things about it, so my expectations aren't that high.

This Is Where I Leave You- It looked okay in previews, but I have yet to see any enthusiastic reviews. I might still like it though, as I go against the critical consensus with some regularity.

Tusk- I only saw the trailer for this recently. It seems like a gross-out horror movie, but has been getting some good notices. And it stars Esteban Vihaio, so that's a plus.

The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Them- This is a unique circumstance. Next month, two more movies will come out in this "series" with the subtitles "Him" and "Her". They will tell the story of a dissolving marriage from each point of view. This film (apparently put together at the studio's insistence) features parts of both films edited together. An interesting cinematic experiment, and one I hope pans out. I also hope the other two films are released in local theatres so I can see them as well.

My Old Lady- A European comedy. I've only seen the trailer once, and it didn't make a huge impression, but it could be a pleasant enough film.

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