Monday, May 26, 2014

Review: Back to the Future

101. Back to the Future
I knew I would enjoy seeing this in theatres, since I've already seen the movie a few times in the past. As I predicted, I don't have much to say about it other than that.

When I saw "Spartacus" last week, it was a movie I had not seen for a very long time, and I felt there were things I had to say about it that were worth discussion--how it was the product of a bygone era, and how the parts of the film related to that served to make it a more impressive viewing experience. I hadn't seen "Back to the Future" for several years, but I believe it had been more recent than "Spartacus". It's a lot of fun with clever writing and humorous moments, but it's been out for almost thirty years. There's no particular aspect of the film that I feel I could add anything to the conversation by discussing in depth.

Instead of digging into why I enjoyed it, I'll just say that I enjoyed it and leave it at that. My Dad went to see it with me, and had a good time as well. He said that this may have been his first time seeing it since the 1980s. I think that's often the best way to enjoy classic comedies. Long breaks between viewings allow you to recall the general plot, but be surprised and delighted by the jokes all over again.

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