Monday, May 12, 2014

Review: Neighbors

90. Neighbors
I often don't feel there's much that can be said critically about comedies. You can analyze them all you want, but it ultimately boils down to whether or not you personally found them funny. And to what degree. I personally enjoy comedy the most when the it is not the film's primary genre, but is a part of a larger canvas. My favorite example of this is the scenes between Harrison Ford and Sean Connery in "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade". The film isn't a comedy, but many of their scenes together are hilarious.

"Neighbors" was okay for me. I enjoyed myself and chuckled frequently, but rarely experienced a full laugh out loud moment. Maybe the film could have used a stronger structural foundation. Maybe there was no character to really "root" for to get me involved in the story. Maybe I just wasn't in the right mood. For whatever reason, while I like the film, I was expecting a little more and never truly connected with it. It had its share of good jokes and visual gags, but those are typically even funnier when they exist within a film full of characters and events that you care about. I was especially detached from the events taking place in the film's climax.

I don't mean for my comments to sound as negative as they do. As I said, I did enjoy the film. It was a good comedy and way to kill some time. There was just something holding it back from being truly hilarious.

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