Friday, May 23, 2014

May 23 Weekly Preview

There are five films opening in local theatres today, and another film from the "classics series" that will be showing this Sunday and Wednesday. It's possible I won't get to all six films this week, but I'll try (I'd hoped to squeeze in a midnight showing tonight, but the Orioles game my Dad and I went to lasted 13 innings, putting an end to that idea). The films of this week, in no particular order, will be:

Chef- One of three smaller films opening at a theatre that tends to show some of the more limited release artistic films. I've heard this film is in some ways a metaphor for how Jon Favreau believes he was treated by Marvel Studios after the first "Iron Man" film came out. That might be a problem if his motivations as a filmmaker become too transparent. I anticipate liking the film, but fear it may have a few moments that are too heavy-handed and will detract a bit from the experience.

X-Men: Days of Future Past- The year's latest superhero film, but not the last. The X-Men films so far have been a mixed bag ("The Wolverine" is the only one aside from this I have yet to see). I think this film will be fun and have some good action set pieces. Their plan to feature a story utilizing both the cast from the original movies and the prequel "X Men: First Class" is ambitious. If done right, it could elevate the film beyond typical superhero fare. If not done right, it could make the film feel a bit pretentious in its overreach.

Fed-Up- The second of the three limited releases. A documentary about food. From the little research I've done into it, it appears to be about the fast food industry and whether the dietary guidelines people have been taught are valid. I have no way of predicting what I'll think of it.

The Immigrant- The third limited release. I don't know much about it, other than that it appears to be a serious drama. The kind of movie that, if you got the DVD from Netflix, might sit around for a while before you were in a mood to watch it. It will probably be a good film, though perhaps not particularly enjoyable. I'll try to get myself to anticipate it being boring to give it the benefit of lowered expectations.

Blended- The latest Adam Sandler comedy, a genre I'm not very familiar with. I predict that the critics will trash it, but that I'll enjoy myself, even if it's not objectively very good, or something that I'll remember well in a few days time.

Back to the Future- This weeks "classics" offering. I've already seen the film and enjoyed it, so I don't have much to say as far as my prediction, and I probably won't have much to say in my actual write-up.

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