Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Caught Up!

With yesterday's post, I have finally caught up with my movie reviews. Every film I've seen in theatres this year has been reviewed here.

Much like I've been doing recently, I plan to keep the focus of this blog on my movie reviews, and not spend as much time on my goals/other endeavors. I will probably occasionally post other things, but I anticipate them all having an entertainment related theme, like the times I've posted about "Hannibal" the television show (season finale this Friday!).

Now that I've caught up, I hope that my reviews can be more timely, going up as soon as possible after the film in question is released. I'm also thinking about trying to do a preview post each week where I list the films I'm planning to see, and maybe say a word or two about my expectations going into them. We'll see if I actually get around to doing that...

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