Friday, August 8, 2014

August 8 Weekly Preview

Another busy week with five new releases to see, along with "Get On Up", which I didn't manage to get to last week.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles- Hard to predict. I was not unaware of the property while growing up, but have never been a real fan, so if it's a fun film I should be able to enjoy it even if there are aspects that would annoy purists.

Into the Storm- The latest "disaster" movie, but seemingly without a "big star", which seems to be a common component in the genre. If any of the sequences are done very well or if they actually make you care about the characters there may be a little drama to be found here. Otherwise it will just be looking at special effects.

The Hundred-Foot Journey- Hopefully this will be good. I don't see myself loving it, but it could be okay.

Magic in the Moonlight- The latest Woody Allen movie, which means it should be interesting if nothing else.

Step Up: All In- Yeah...not really looking forward to this one. Maybe it will surprise me.

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