Friday, August 1, 2014

August 1 Weekly Preview

Four new movies to see this week, and I still need to get to "Wish I Was Here" from last week's list. I'll at least fit in a movie on Friday, but other than that, the week might get off to a slow start since my sister is bumming around town again.

Guardians of the Galaxy- I'm cautiously optimistic. Few of the films in the current Marvel Cinematic Universe project have been disappointments ("Iron Man 2" and "Captain America: The First Avenger" being the only ones, in my opinion--the one film I haven't seen is "The Incredible Hulk"). On the other hand, most of them have also been basic action films, at times relying too heavily on formula and concentrating on building the overall series structure, sometimes to the detriment of the individual films. I guess this means that they've got me expecting a basic piece of solid entertainment, but nothing more.

Get On Up- The runtime--almost 140 minutes--scares me. I'm hoping it's not a bloated biopic that tries to cover too much. I've previously said I prefer biopics that choose to focus on a finite period of time or tackle specific issues regarding the subject to provide the film with a clear focus.

Boyhood- I'm excited for this, as the concept of filming a movie over several years is an intriguing one. I'm also a big fan of the "Before" series of films, also directed by Richard Linklater and starring Ethan Hawke. They also explore the passage of time (each film was made nine years apart). Hopefully this can live up to the high expectations those films have given me.

I Origins- The trailer looks like it good be interesting. It will all depend on whether the film grabs me or not. I could see it go either way. On the plus side, it stars Michael Pitt, who turned in a fantastically deranged performance as Mason Verger in the latest season of "Hannibal".

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