Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Not a Review: The Fluffy Movie

141. The Fluffy Movie
I don't really feel like I should write an actual review of this, and I won't be assigning it a grade, either. It's not really a movie--it is almost entirely a filmed standup comedy routine. The usual elements of plot and structure I would discuss (the latter being a factor even in documentaries) are not a big issue here.

That being said, I did have a good time. The worst parts, appearing in the very beginning, were actually the most "movie" like. There were a couple short scenes that served as an introduction to the comedy. I found them to be unnecessary. In a "concert" film like this, I prefer they get straight to the concert or, in this case, comedy. Once the comedy does get started, though, it's a lot of fun. Gabriel Iglesias has a charming stage presence and I laughed a lot. It wasn't any better than some of the HBO standup specials I've seen with Ricky Gervais, though (and pales next to the YouTube clips of Jimmy Carr--look him up if you like "offensive" humour), so it's probably not something you'll want to pay to see in theatres. If it starts airing on a cable network in a few months, that would be the time to catch it.

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