Monday, July 7, 2014

Review: America

126. America
I'm not going to spend a lot of time discussing this film, as I'm trying to stay as apolitical as I can.

The film is split into two very distinct parts. An attempt is made to transition between the two, but the transition is quite jarring. The first part is the better and more effective. It concerns itself with laying out several of the complaints that people today sometimes make about America's past and present, and then tries to refute or at least mitigate the charges. The arguments the filmmakers make are often well thought out and interesting.

The film's second part shifts into an attack on those it believes to be politically dangerous, at points singling out Hillary Clinton (clearly trying to warn against her election should she run for president in 2016). This part of the film falls into the "preaching to the choir" category. This is unfortunate since it will alienate most liberals and some moderates who might see the film, losing credibility in their eyes, and undermining the better arguments it made previously.

In all, this is a better film than its predecessor, the anti-Obama documentary "2016" from two years ago. That rise in quality is almost wholly attributable to its first part. It's refreshing to see something being argued "for" rather than "against". I just wish the filmmakers had kept that in mind when working on the second part.

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