Sunday, July 20, 2014

Review: Sex Tape

133. Sex Tape
While it had its humorous moments, there is nothing in "Sex Tape" to justify seeing it in theatres. Even spending the time to watch it once it comes to cable would be a questionable decision, because in today's age of Netflix and On Demand, there are so many better options to pick from.

The film isn't terrible. It has an actual plot, saving it from comparisons to something like "A Haunted House 2", which was a movie in only the loosest definition of the word. It's also not off-putting and offending to the senses like "Tammy" (which, were the brevity of my review not enough of a hint, the less said about it, the better). Still, sitting here writing this the day after seeing the film, I cannot remember a single great joke. There were some funny moments, because I remember smiling a few times, but I don't think I ever actually laughed. Sadly, most of the times a good joke did make the film, you could tell the filmmakers knew it, because they proceeded to keep it going. There were four or five times when gags went on for way too long, far past the point where they had ceased to be funny. I am curious as to whether or not they were struggling to stretch the film out to feature length.

Were this the first comedy I'd ever seen, I might have found it hilarious. But it's not. That's really where the movie fails--not by itself, but in comparison to everything else that's available. I last saw "22 Jump Street" almost a month ago, but I can remember both specific moments from it and the movie as a whole better than I can remember "Sex Tape". If there were nothing else worth seeing and you were desperate to see a comedy, this might be enough to cut it. But when you can do a lot better, what's the point?

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