Saturday, July 5, 2014

Belated July 4 Weekly Preview

A couple of the movies coming out this week ("Deliver Us From Evil" and "Tammy") I can't effectively preview, since I've seen them before writing this, making it difficult to predict what I'll think of them. Their reviews should be coming soon, though one of them will be my shortest review yet, as I don't plan to waste my time devoting more than a sentence to it. The other movies that came out this week are:

Begin Again- What I presume will be a "real life" musical, meaning that all of the songs are diegetic, actually taking place in the world of the film as opposed to stylized breaking into song common in traditional musicals. I think I'll probably like it. The cast seems to be made up of a mix of well established actors and well known musicians who don't have much acting experience. I hope that the latter are able to hold their own.

Earth to Echo- This film looks like its trying to recreate the style of some 1980s kids movies, though not entirely successfully based on a few reviews I've skimmed. Those movies it is paying homage to have never been my favorites to begin with, so I'm not optimistic.

America- A pro-conservative, anti-liberal documentary. Like most politically themed documentaries, it will probably preach to the choir more than it will change anyone's mind. I just hope it's better than "Fed Up", which should not be hard.

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