Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Review: Obvious Child

122. Obvious Child
My best guess is that in two weeks time my memories of this film will be pretty hazy. There was nothing in it that was particularly profound, nothing that made me sit up when the credits started to roll and say "Wow." Still, it was a fun, clever, diverting little film that, while it never made me outright laugh, frequently made me smile at its witty dialogue.

The film does have a plot, of course, but it's a meandering one which ultimately leads to more of  a low key conclusion. There is technically rising action and one or two places where the plotting seems a tad formulaic, but for the most part the film is just a series of scenes of its characters having funny, witty, awkward conversations. This makes the dialogue the most important aspect of the film and, fortunately, it is written and delivered well. Each line rings true, and much of the humor frequently comes from how relatable a lot of it is--moments where a character makes an observation and the viewer realized that they've thought something similar in the past but hadn't been able to put it into words. The dialogue here felt especially fresh with memories of the priggishness and pomposity of the so-called "witty" and "realistic" scenes from "The Fault in Our Stars" still stuck in my head.

I'm unsure of how much of a political point the filmmakers were trying to make with this film. It features the main character getting pregnant and then getting an abortion, but the moral philosophies of either side were never addressed. I'm glad that the film didn't come across as a propaganda piece, but the plot point also didn't make a huge impression on me and I don't know if it was even meant to. In all, the film was a fun comedy, just quirky enough to make it stand out. I'll know in a couple weeks if it's actually memorable.

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