Friday, July 25, 2014

July 25 Weekly Preview

This is going to be a very busy week for me at the movies. There are six new films opening in local theatres today. I'm not even sure I'll get to see them all this week. There are also a couple foreign films opening as well, but my chances of making it to them are slim.

I'm going to be trying something new this week: adding a ratings system to my reviews. At the end of each review I'll assign the film a letter grade. I considered going back and doing this with my previous reviews as well, but I don't think those films are fresh enough in my mind to ensure accurate ratings.

Hercules- The second Hercules film released this year, unrelated to the first which attained levels of "so bad it's good" back in January. Like that film, this one appears to be playing fast and loose with mythology. My best guess is that it will be a slightly below average action film.

Lucy- I don't hold high expectations for this film. It's concept, while potentially interesting if done right, does not seem particularly compelling based on the trailers. The movie also seems to feature Morgan Freeman playing what, even without him in the part, would be considered the "Morgan Freeman role". He's proven in the past that he has a wide acting range, I just wish he'd use it more often. I am, however, excited that Choi Min-sik has a role. He was fantastic in the South Korean film "Oldboy", and I'm glad to see him in making an appearance in an English language film.

The Fluffy Movie- I think this is less of a movie and more of a filmed standup routine, but it's getting a release in theatres, so I'll go see it. I'm unfamiliar with Gabriel Iglesias aside from his appearance in the abominable "A Haunted House 2".

Wish I Was Here- Not really looking forward to this one, as I don't consider myself a Zach Braff fan and his line readings in the trailers feel like he's condescending towards you with every word he speaks. I'm predicting a desperate attempt for profundity that falls flat on its face. At least Mandy Patinkin is in it.

And So It Goes- I think I might have seen a trailer for this, but I'm not sure. It's Michael Douglas and Diane Keaton in what I'm guessing is a romantic comedy aimed at older audiences. They're good actors, though, so it could be fun.

A Most Wanted Man- This will probably get more media attention for being one of Phillip Seymour Hoffman's last films than for the merits of the film itself. I had trouble getting into "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy", the last film based on a John le Carre novel. There's a fine line between "deliberately paced" and "boring". For me, that film fell on the wrong side of the line. Hopefully this one fares better.

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