Friday, June 13, 2014

June 13 Weekly Preview

A pretty busy week, with four films I'll definitely be seeing and a few others that I may or may not get to.

22 Jump Street- I saw the first film on a lark with a couple friends, and found it surprisingly good. I've heard that the worst that can be said about this sequel is that it's more of the same--not a terrible thing for a comedy, in my opinion. My expectations are high.

The Signal- I've seen the trailer, but don't know much about the film other than that it seems to have a sci-fi premise. Also, it stars Laurence Fishburne, who is fantastic on "Hannibal". Yes, I will mention that show every chance I get.

How to Train Your Dragon 2- Haven't seen the first one, but I've seen the trailer for this way too many times. If the lead character's annoying voice doesn't bother me too much, I should enjoy it.

Words and Pictures- Seems like a romantic comedy, though aimed at a slightly older audience than is the norm. Hopefully this will result in a more sophisticated film. I like Clive Owen, so my hopes are high.

The two "classic" offerings this week are "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" and "Dirty Dancing" Whether I see them depends on how my schedule works out and, in the case of the former, if I get up in time to make the screening. The Indian film I mentioned last week is still playing as well, but I doubt I'll get to it. It's only showing once per day, at 10:35 P.M.

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