Saturday, June 21, 2014

Review: Think Like a Man Too

117. Think Like a Man Too
I have not seen "Think Like a Man", this film's 2012 predecessor, but in looking up this film online, I see that a good many people have a reasonably decent view of it. Most of these people, however, do not have that same view of this sequel, and I am compelled to agree. Whatever the first film may have had going for it, this sequel is unoriginal and uninspired.

The film's characters consist primarily of several couples attending a Las Vegas wedding, along with Kevin Hart as the best man, and the only main character who happens to be single. Each of the couples has their own issue to work out over the course of the film, though they are all handled in spectacularly sloppy fashion. Most of the film is spent separating the male and female characters, so each issue is set up at the beginning and then arbitrarily settled at the end, with very little development in between. Hart's storyline gets more focus, as he attempts several get rich quick schemes once he realizes that he has massively overpaid for his luxury suite. Hart has had better material in other films I've seen this year, but, as always, he goes for it with maximum energy and enthusiasm, garnering the film most of its laughs. It's true that he is over the top and often steals focus from the other storylines going on around him. This might have bothered me, but since those other storylines are not at all worth paying attention to, I was okay with it.

This was the rare comedy that left me unsatisfied throughout almost its entire runtime. Often they'll at least be entertaining while you're actually watching them, but the moments of entertainment here were few and far between. The unoriginal stories, along with the boring characters and their contrived "issues" leave little to recommend the film.

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