Thursday, June 12, 2014

Review: Saturday Night Fever

112. Saturday Night Fever
There isn't much I feel I have to say about this film. I'd never seen it before, and it didn't really do anything for me.

I'm sure there were elements of the film that were significantly more impressive when it was first released. The main attraction--the dancing itself--is well done, but cannot help but suffer in comparison to the more elaborate choreography, camera tricks, and editing that have been used for dance sequences in the decades since its release. I'll fully admit that the dancing depicted in this film likely displays a higher level of skill and quality than what can be found in many films that have come after, but to a layman like myself, they are not as visually compelling. It might be kind of like how those seeing the original "Star Wars" for the first time today cannot appreciate the quality of the special effects. What seems run of the mill these days was once groundbreaking and awe-inspiring.

I found the film's story to be a little scattershot, with too many plot threads dangling at once, some of them neglected for long stretches of the film before being returned to with little warning. There's nothing really wrong with this--the film was going for a "slice of life" approach. That just wasn't the approach I was expecting, and it wasn't really the type of film I was in a mood to see. Perhaps a few more likeable characters could have gotten me to feel more invested.

Rather than saying that this was a "good" or "bad" movie, I think it's fair to say that it is just not my kind of movie, and leave it at that.

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